Synthetic Systems for Healing; Black Friday Offers & More!
Dear friends and colleagues,
According to Indian Medicine, there are three fundamental principles of treatment - Elimination, Stimulation, and Relaxation. One usually needs the application of all three principles in varying degrees, but for some elimination and in others stimulation or relaxation may be the primary need, though the trouble may be the same. For example, in cases of eye strain and headache, if the strain is due to constipation then purgative or enema treatment will prove useful, but if the strain is due to lack of vitality then tonics or PEMF will relieve the trouble. The art of applying these principles can be acquired through knowledge, experience and a certain ‘intuition’.
The discoveries of modern science in the sphere of medicine and surgery are amazing. But it has to be admitted that our modern methods, however efficient as palliatives, generally fail to prevent and cure several chronic pain and oxidative stress related conditions which can lead to serious complications. When the mind is under strain as in fear, worries, etc. and the physical health is affected despite medication, it is a clear indication of balancing the treatment modalities with more natural practices such as exercise, meditation and applying non-invasive close to nature therapies.
There are four well-known systems of medicine - Oriental Medicine, Allopathy or Modern Medicine, Homeopathy and Nature Cure/Naturopathy. The follower of any one system is usually dogmatic. The conservative mind tries to measure things by a standard it has set up in its intelligence and view things from a single standpoint. It is not able to harmonize different ideas and view the facts from different standpoints. But Mother Nature has her subtle and disguised methods in dealing with men by which she leads them to change.
In fact each system is a part of the whole, discovered by humans as the necessity arose. Hence a synthesis is possible. Each system has its limitations and a harmonious combination of the good points of each system based on a central principle common to all will be called a synthetic system of treatment. Such systems have been formulated by genius physicians and one would be very lucky indeed to have a practitioner in their life who can apply such syntheses.
I have to admit, I have been very lucky to be working with Dr. Bruce Berkowsky who has published books and teaches the synthesis of aromatherapy, naturopathy, homeopathy and modern wellness technologies such as molecular hydrogen and PEMF.
Last year, Dr. Berkowsky published Synthesis Materia Medica of the Twelve Cell Salts, where you can find the chapter on Molecular Hydrogen and Cell Salts Synergy.
This year, we worked deeply on PEMF. The new work is a 9000+ words book and 2+ hour seminar on the creative use of our high-intensity PEMF machine.
Here you can watch a short excerpt from this seminar
In the complete 2 hour seminar, Dr. BB explains covers the following topics:
The Human Being as a Bio-Electromagnetic Organism
PEMF Therapy and Rootedness
Potential Benefits of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
The Mitochondria & PEMF
Electromagnetic fields and Body Cells
Hi-Tech Hi-Intensity PEMF Machine Review
Hi-Tech Hi-Intensity PEMF Machine Menu and Attachments
Creative Options for Use of Hi-Tech Hi-Intensity PEMF Machine
Chapman’s Neuro-Lymphatic Reflexes
Treating Brain Issues with PEMF
Technique: Enhancing Arterial Flow to the Brain via Neck Acupoints
Applying PEMF to the Governing Vessel (Du) Meridian
Governing Vessel Master and Coupled Points
Governing Vessel Meridian Brain Circulation Protocol
Dr. Richard Tan’s Balance Mirroring Method and Sample protocol for general joint vitalization
Tom Tam Healing System Perspective
Stimulating the Triple Warmer (Burner) to Help Overcome Blockage of the Movement of Chi
Stimulating the Flow of Nerve Force from Brain Down Along the Spinal Cord
PEMF and Polarized Color Light Therapy Protocol
Preconditioning Before PEMF Using Dr. Berkowsky’s Vital Chi Skin-Brushing System
You’ll receive the entire 2-hour webinar video and downloadable PDF manual when you order the system. That should have you all-set to enjoy more energy and movement everyday!
The Best Deal on the PEMF Planet
We’re excited to offer you the best deal in the PEMF universe. Our systems are based on 12+ years of experience in customer service, product development and research work. It has always been our mission to provide impactful natural wellness enhancing technology that is simple to use and affordable.
With a maximum intensity of 24,700 G or 2.47 Tesla, our machine beats the power of systems that often cost 4-5x more. It’s truly a powerful system as one can feel muscle contractions and the pulse travelling deep inside the body, providing immense relief in any area of inflammation.
The system has everything you need including applicators designed to treat the entire body using physiotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture and high-power PEMF principles.
The machine is well described by Dr. Berkowsky “With the Hi-Tech Hi-Intensity PEMF Machine, it is possible to experience an instant effect regarding symptoms such as deficient chi (vital force), fatigue, pain, restriction, mobility and range of motion issues. It also offers far greater potential for positive shifts in a depleted, dysregulating general state, and inertial, internal conditions from one session to the next.” In other words, you’ll boost recovery in zones previously inaccessible, and feel more power in your body.
Black Friday Offer is loaded now - Enjoy a further $100-$300 off on the machine.
Both low-intensity and high-intensity PEMF systems can provide distinct benefit. However, the benefits of the low-intensity devices are the product of cumulative use. In other words, regular use of a low-intensity unit will deliver a degree of benefit, but their ability to exert a significant impact upon a deeply ingrained, inertial condition requires long-term, consistent use. In this way, the cumulative effects of the therapy sessions achieves a type of critical mass that, to some degree, overcomes the inertia of the case and propels it along a directional process toward deep-healing, rather than just transient amelioration of symptoms.
The title of the classic Chinese medicine text Li Gan Jian Ying literally means “set up a pole and see a shadow.” In turn, this infers seeing an instant effect from a given therapy. With the Hi-Tech Hi-Intensity PEMF Machine, it is possible to experience an instant effect regarding symptoms such as deficient chi (vital force), fatigue, pain, restriction, mobility and range of motion issues. It also offers far greater potential for positive shifts in a depleted, dysregulating general state, and inertial, internal conditions from one session to the next.
We stand on the shores of a vast universe which continues to amaze us and inspire us with awe and wonder every time a new discovery is made. Despite recent developments in rockets, computers, atomic power and other marvels of science, we are painfully ignorant of the world in which we live. We are even more ignorant of our inner universe which for some reason we have forgotten about and ignore, despite a pressing inner need to uncover the truth of our existence. Recent developments in neurophysiology research have outlined the role of molecular hydrogen, PEMF and photobiomodulation in unifying the treatment of both the body and the brain/mind.
We believe in the concept of home care and be able to pursue safe and effective systems that have the highest levels of safety and quality. All our wellness technologies are based on beating oxidative stress and rejuvenating cell function. Unlike Luxury brands and dishonest ecommerce platforms, our mission has always been about authentic and affordable products that provide value in every sense. Besides therapeutic research, we also have professional experience in electronics, chemical and environmental engineering. Having served more than 10,000 users, managed several international brands and worked with clinical and research projects, we find ourselves in a unique position to serve the community.
We hope you find this newsletter worthy of your valuable time and also take time to explore our research review articles and try our products. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to all our supporters and readers. We strive to improve our service and are always interested in hearing from you. As always, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions; practitioner and distributor inquiries welcome. We look forward to serving you well!
Best wishes,
Siddharth Agrawal
Author of the PEMF Book, Product Developer & Founder at
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How to choose PEMF therapy devices and PEMF settings
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Featured Products
H2 + O2 Ultra 3000
The Ultra 3000 is our highest volume hydrogen/oxygen generator and provides up to 2000 ml/min of pure hydrogen and 1000 ml/min of oxygen for a combined output of 3000 ml/min or 3 litres per minute of hydrogen and oxygen mixed gas. That makes it one of the highest volume hydrogen-oxygen inhalation machines that we offer.
High-volume hydrogen therapy can be instantly rejuvenating, relaxing and energizing. It makes it possible to have the highest doses of the world’s smallest antioxidant molecule that is absorbed by all cells in the body. The Ultra 900, Ultra 1500 and H2 + O2 3000 are other high-volume hydrogen inhalation systems. The Basic H2 + O2 device is great to try hydrogen at low cost and still receive minimally active dosage of molecular hydrogen.
Like all our hydrogen production machines, these systems also have ISO, water quality and CE certifications. They are the best choice for any home or clinic as they offer the highest clinical-level hydrogen and H2+O2 dosages along with perfect control of the output and made with advanced PEM SPE technology that is built to last long and require minimum maintenance.
Hi-Tech LLLT Complete – Low Level Laser / Cold Laser Device
The LLLT Complete is a multi-purpose cold laser therapy system designed to relieve joint pain as well as allow treating ear, nasal and throat with 650 nm (5 mW) and 808 nm (150 mW) low-level lasers. This desktop LLLT (Low-level laser therapy) device comes with 4 types of applicators and its 6 channels can be operated simultaneously making it a unique and powerful tool to have at home or clinic.
PS - Black Friday offer can be combined with friends and family coupons and practitioner discounts.